What I'm Reading

  1. Moth and Spark (Anne Leonard)

    A puzzling little gem that has one of the most (if not the only) wholesome “instant romances” I’ve ever seen committed to paper. It’s so mesmerizing I simply had to reread it. Plus theres intrigue and dragons. What more could you ask for?

  2. Crazy Horse (Mari Sandoz)

    I read this once when I was about twelve and loved it and found myself wondering why I hadn’t picked it up again. Turns out it’s just as good the second time! If you haven’t read this tale about the real life American hero then do yourself a favor and give it a go. You just might learn something.

  3. The Poetic Edda (Holland)

    Ok I’ll admit this one is a bit of a cop out.. I’m not so much reading this one as routinely dipping in to read a saga or two when I find myself in between other ventures. It’s really quite enjoyable (and I recommend you give it a try) but to say I’m reading this book is a bit like saying the Vikings were only slightly rude to the monks at Lindesfarne.

  4. The Essential Cocktail Cookbook (Krigbaum)

    Do you know what a Floradora is? Do you have the wherewithal to make an Absinthe Frappe? Do you have the absolutely titanic brass balls it takes to whip out your shaker and slap together a Barber of Seville on the fly? Well don’t worry, dear reader, because neither do I! This books got a lot of recipes, however, and it’s been a helluva week so at least one of them is getting made tonight, I’ll tell you that!

So what do you think about my list? Too nerdy? Not nerdy enough? If you have any ideas on what to read next I’d love to hear them. Feel free to shoot me an email or drop a comment down below with your recommendation!

(yes, that’s right I do read the comments and emails- and yes I took you up on your recommendation to pick up The Chronicles of Narnia again. You know who you are!)
