What I'm Reading

Having wrapped up “Spinning Silver” (and what a wonderful little tale it was by the way- those of you that recommended it get a sparkly little sticker for the day) I seem to be going full retro. First up to bat is

The Bastard by John Jakes

Quite literally started this yesterday, though the premise of a French lad discovering he’s the illegitimate son of an English noble on the precipice of the American revolution is just enough to temp me into having a go. Will it be good? Will it be action packed or turn into a cringe inducing 70’s style romance? One way to find out!

America. Fuck Yeah.

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

You know, for as much as I love these books it sure has been a hot minute since I’ve actually read the blasted things. I re-read The Hobbit not too long ago and, seeing as number three on this list has been sitting in my “to be read” pile for a while I’ve thought about re-reading this wonderful series for some time. With a neat little leatherbound edition including illustrations from Tolkien himself on the way to my doorstep as we speak I couldn’t ask for a better excuse! Now if only I could figure out just who (or what) Tom Bombadil is supposed to be….

This Scene Rules Regardless of Medium

Unfinished Tales by J.R.R. Tolkien

Literally no idea on this one. I’m going in completely blind so not sure what I’m in for. From the brief flip through I gave it before buying it seems to be presented in actual story format and not the faux history textbook a la Fire and Blood which, I might add, would only be to its benefit (sorry Fire and Blood fans but I now view that book as merely contributing to GRR Martins continued apathy towards finishing his daggum core series). Will it be good? Will it be worth the ten bucks I paid for it? Will It finish any of these supposedly unfinished tales? I mean, probably, because it’s Tolkien and the man was prolific but, hey, here’s hoping it’s a fun little ride along the way.

Those are the books I have in the batter’s box and standing on deck for the moment but what about you, dear reader? Are you in the middle of a story you just can’t wait to see the end of (for good or ill)? Do you have any recommendations on what I should read next? Feel free to drop a comment down below or shoot me an emai! I’m always looking to expand the ‘ol bookshelf.