We’re Always After Some Lucky Charms

Writers are creatures of habit.

That is, perhaps, unsurprising to some of you since to be considered a “writer” one must first develop a habit of writing (but I digress). Some people need to be in a certain chair, or be in a certain room to be able to write. Some can’t write if there’s any sound other than the ticking of a clock, while others can’t focus if there isn’t the dull roar of heavy traffic in their ears.

Now, there is no wrong answer to the question of “how do you focus in on your writing,” but I do find myself in the peculiar position of not having any of the rituals I see people talking and, dare I say, boasting about requiring.

Don’t get me wrong, I much prefer to have a cup of coffee on hand but I could say that about any day of the week. I don’t need coffee to write, just like I don’t care whether I’m inside or outdoors.

Hell, I don’t even need my laptop.

Whether it’s a golf course, a poolhall, or halfway down an aisle at the grocery store I find myself discreetly writing on a note pad or typing on my phone.

Whole scenes were given life in wholly “un-writerly” locations. Does this mean I’m better than other writers? Dear lord, no. Does it mean that I’m somehow a weird-o amongst the weirdos? Most likely.

That being said allow me to momentarily jump up on my soap-box. While I understand the need to get into “the zone” to write I sometimes feel that people use their creature-comforts as both a crutch and an excuse.

Many times I’ve heard an aspiring writer say they wished they could write that day but couldn’t because they were out of Earl Grey tea, or their writing chair needed to be reupholstered, or their “writing shirt” needed to be washed.

I hate to break it to you all but coffee, tea, comfortable chairs, and favored clothing does not a writer make.

I think we can all agree that sometimes you need a day off when you’re just not feeling it. That’s fine so long as you don’t make putting off writing a habit in and of itself. Just admit it, accept it, and move on. Acting like Superman encountering kryptonite when you don’t have blueberry bagels in the house (not to eat, mind, but just to know they’re in the house. You know who you are) then a) you sound crazy and b) no one will believe you when you say you are incapable of making words happen because of a distinct lack of bagel.

There. I’m done. Hopping off the soapbox now.

So there you have it folks, I’m a writing nomad, scratching notes and making scenes wherever and whenever the wind takes me.

Do you agree with my approach? Do you believe having a special ritual or necessary “totem” is the way to go? Are you firmly in the “blueberry bagel or bust” camp?

Give me a shout- I’d love to hear your reasoning either way