This Isn’t Even My Final Form

You can take lessons from other hobbies to improve your writing.

That’s right some people actually have other interests beside writing.

Weird, right?

If you’re one of those people who don’t actively have multiple hobbies I would encourage you to pick one up. By all means do not interfere with your writing (dear lord let nothing interfere with your writing!) but allowing your brain to express its creativity from a different angle may actually help you become a better writer.

Think about what you do when you aren’t writing. Do you like to cook? Home brew? Play an instrument? Heck do you play video games? What do they all have in common with your writing? More likely than not whatever you’re interested in involves a process unique unto itself. You cook, but you follow a recipe. You play an instrument by playing certain notes in certain patterns. You play your game by inputting certain commands into the controller. In time you become familiar enough with the processes to adjust the recipe, inject a solo into the song, find a new favorite combo pattern.

The more you understand how something works the more comfortable you are working with that material. You may create new recipes, write new songs, begin coding new games.

Now, take what you know about your other hobbies (whatever level of understanding you may possess) and apply it to your writing. Frustrated with a chapter? Those eggs didn’t crack themselves. Confused on whether you have an active or passive character? That A-scale didn’t learn itself. Tired of self-editing? Sub-Zero didn’t rip out Johnny Cage’s spine all on his lonesome.

Elsa Ain’t Got Shit. On. ME!

As small as it may seem the very presence of another hobby can subconsciously train your mind to adapt to new situations, problem solve, and build upon successes, no matter how insignificant we may deem them at the time. It shows you that any progress is still progress and that baby steps may one day turn into the strides of a mighty colossus.

Most importantly, picking up another hobby will teach yourself not to be immobilized by planning- sometimes you gotta just take a deep breath, dive in, and start rolling with the punches.

So? What are you waiting for?