Progress Update IX

Those of you following along with these little updates of mine will be familiar with how Round Two of beta reading has been, putting it lightly, slightly more complicated than initially anticipated.

That trend has continued into Q1 of 2023 with a significant amount of my remaining betas having their reviews placed on "pause." Now, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't frustrating from an author perspective, yet I somehow find myself in the rather unique scenario where I can't in good conscience engage in anything resembling proper bitching concerning their momentary lack of feedback (call me a hopeless romantic but I simply can't get worked up about someone opting to enjoy their honeymoon).

That being said, Beta Reading can be a frustrating time for all authors, but for me especially, dear reader. You see, when writing or editing I can control the tempo and can therefore personally account for any delays or lack of progress, but Beta Reading? Now that's one spicy meatball. You toss your work out into the ether and wait for it to come back with zero guarantee it will or that any of your hard work will pay off once it does. Hell, even when you get positive feedback you don't really know how viable it is until you get multiple responses for a comparison. Person A may love one scene while Persons, B, C, D, E and F think it's detestable (or vice a versa).

The gathering of data to ensure the highs and lows of one's story are perceived as intended is an important task in any author's journey, but, oh, how I hate the waiting.

Now, don't get me wrong, there's plenty to be excited about!

Round Two has provided me with great and (mostly) positive feedback with what analysis has been provided being equal to or possibly exceeding the depth of what I received from Round One (which I assure you is saying something). It's all too easy to focus on the negatives when things aren't moving as fast as I'd like but that's life sometimes, right?

Those betas who are taking a break have assured me they're more than willing to hop back in once their life settles down and, to be honest, I respect that. I mean, if I can roll with the punches inherent to launching Round One just before the pandemic hit in 2020 I think I can handle some minor delays today.

Still, as more people finish out I'll have to look over all the reviews for any constants (likely comparing to applicable reviews from Round One as I do) and then decide whether or not to do a Round Three (whee!). Speaking of which, if you'd be willing to help out as a beta reader feel free to shoot me an email! All help is good help as they say.

So there you have it, dear reader. Things are progressing, if haltingly, with several questions remaining.

Will all of my remaining Round Two beta's finish out?

Will there be a Round Three?

Could I possibly begin the Query Letter process before the halcyon days of summer?

Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!- er, I mean, Until next time.