Progress Update

Allow me, dear reader, to begin this little diatribe by embracing my inner Obi-Wan Kenobi and saying “hello there!”

Now that’s out of the way let’s catch up, shall we?

Round Two of Beta is nearing its end (please knock on wood and throw some salt over your shoulder I beg of you) and I’ve been cautiously shepherding those remaining Betas to the finish line. While they wrap things up I thought I’d be proactive and start organizing/diving into the “meat” of the responses I’ve already received.

Which was fortuitous as it turns out, as while doing so I found out I’d grossly misinterpreted some comments from certain betas (i.e. thinking someone hated a character based on responses only to discover they actually consider that character to be their favorite). Thus began a rather laborious process of me calling people up and emailing for some follow up that, thankfully, everyone has been able to have a good laugh about (In case I haven’t mentioned it my Beta Questionnaire is notably shit at the moment which is causing this issue. Thought I had it fixed from Round One and most definitely thought wrong. Oh well live and learn).

Now, while chiding myself for not catching this earlier at least this appears to predominantly be in the “the problem you thought you had doesn’t actually exist” camp, but my author paranoia won’t allow me to really believe that’s true until I get physical confirmation.

In a weird sort of way even thought Round Two has been the physical manifestation of chaos it’s also been deceptively benign on the returns. I haven’t hit any major issues so far (again, please, knock on wood on my behalf) but whoo buddy getting here has been a journey for all involved!

Speaking of journeys: I’ve got rather a lot of them coming up soon to the point where I’m going to be home for a combined total of two and a half weeks between today and the middle of June so that’s going to get spicy in terms of trying to carve out some time to stay on top of things.

I’m going to have to go a little off script to get that done so we’ll see how that goes (or doesn’t) but any progress is still progress, right?

So that’s where we’re at today, dear reader: inching ever closer to the end of Round Two and trying to clarify things to where I can make sense of what I have.

Kind of a shorter update this time around, but between work and life general I’m currently drinking from a firehose as it were.

Is it fun? Actually yes.

Am I smart man? Let’s not ask any uncomfortable questions.

Until Next Time.