Progress Update

I'm not going to lie, dear reader, Q2 of this year went and got itself in a hurry when I wasn't looking, the mischievous little scamp.

Round Two of Beta has of course been a bit of a prickly pear, and on the personal front I've been subjected to a rather vicious set of hurricanes involving various work, travel, and personal matters that have predominantly kept me on the back foot the past couple of weeks.

I am happy to report, however, that the waters of madness appear to have subsided (at least for now) and that Round Two may have finally calmed down (knock on wood). Almost all the betas are back on the wagon and reading away, providing a sudden deluge of feedback that is both tantalizing and intimidating. A good problem to have if I do say so myself! So to all my betas out there reading this- thank you! Your perseverance is greatly appreciated, as is your attention to detail!

I'm equally happy to report that amidst the chaos I somehow managed to cajole an entire book club to read my manuscript in a Frankenstein's monster version of Beta Round 2.5. They seem to be speedy enough readers so I've got high hopes for a quick turnaround but, failing that, I'll at least get more feedback- and after all that's just what Beta Reading is all about!

With everything calming down (relatively speaking) it's nice to just step back and take stock of the progress that’s been made in spite of what were admittedly some pretty impressive headwinds at one point. Thankfully the worst seems to be over (but do me a favor and throw some salt over your shoulder just to be sure).

So that's where I'm at, dear reader: cleaning up my beta reader list, doing my best to run support to keep things moving on their end, and trying to find the time to work on a query letter in between.

And, hey, thanks for stopping by, you inquisitive soul, you.

Until next time.