Now Calling All Hands

Well it’s that time of the year folks.

Spring tries to force winter to release its frigid grasp, the birds begin to return to their familiar haunts, and I once again swear at my lack of foresight.

I don’t know about you, but I hate running out of books to read.

Sounds like a small problem and, let’s be honest, in most ways it is. I haven’t been “bookless” since I graduated college though and thats a streak I really don’t want to break any time soon. I have a whopping two books currently en route from Barnes and Noble and Amazon respectively but I doubt they will survive the ides of May.

And so I turn to you, dear reader.

Do you have a favorite book? Have you found a killer new series? Do you have a cherished novel that in times of trouble comes to you, speaking words of wisdom?

Why not help a fella out and let me know?

Comment below or shoot me an email and spread the love!

(and help me keep the streak alive!)

Seriously though.