Welcome, Oh Weary Traveler

Whether by accident or design you’ve stumbled across my little blog.

Pull up a chair and stay awhile.

Here’s the thing: most burgeoning authors start blogging as a kind of “hero’s journey” whereby you can follow their progress from the first day of writing to the day of publication and everything in between.

It’s a cool, smart thing to do.

I’ve never been accused of being either of those things, however, and so here we are.

My book is not published (yet), however I am done with the first draft (yay!) though there are surely more of those to come (yay?). While I will be sharing the occasional update on my progress I’ll be primarily focusing on helping others who are writing (or the merely curious) by sharing some of what I have learned on the way to getting this thing knocked.

Some of what you see here may make you laugh, cry, or wonder how I manage to not dribble down the front of my shorts.

Consider yourself warned.

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy.